
The Tile House Surgery is an accredited research active practice.

Below are details of current research studies which may be of interest to you. All studies have strict inclusion/exclusion criteria so please read the details carefully to ensure you are able to take part. 

If you have any questions regarding the study or your suitability to take part please contact the study team directly. 

Alternatively you can look on the LEH Primary and Community Care Research website for more information and details of studies you may be able to take part in.

Be Part of Research enables you to find and take part in a range of health and care research.

Health and care research helps to discover new and better ways to treat diseases, improve the NHS and the quality of care across the country.

Anyone can take part in research whether you have a health condition or not. You could take part in research at a local hospital, GP practice, in a care setting – or even at home.

It's easy to get involved. Simply sign up online and choose the health and care research that matters to you. You will be sent details of approved studies that match your interests to decide if you want to take part.


Join the EXPAND Study

EXPAND is a study looking to understand the experiences of families from ethnic minorities who have a child with a diagnosis or suspected diagnosis of a neurodevelopmental disorder e.g. autism, ADHD, OCD, Tourettes.

For more information and to see if you are eligible to take part click here.


HPOS is an online study of patients with psoriasis. The study team are aiming to identify patients at risk of developing psoriatic arthritis and to prevent its development in the long term.

For more information and to see if you are eligible to take part click here.

Join the IBPI Study

Lancaster University are studying how online parenting support specifically for parents diagnosed with bipolar disorder can improve both parents' and children's wellbeing.

For more information and to see if you are eligible to take part click here.  

Join Dementia Research

Join Dementia Research is designed to match people to appropriate research studies using their personal information. Current research ranges from clinical studies of new treatments to surveys aiming to improve quality of life for people with dementia and their carers.